Beginner's Jam February 2024 submission

things I learned from this

- how to keep music playing when switching scenes

- loading and saving high sores

- making nicer menus

- playing particle effect

... fun fun :)


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That was pretty fun :) 1514, not bad!

awesome !!

fun wordsearcher, though i haven't had any diagonal ones yet. 

(1 edit)

nice. You could add your score? dev score

Mine is 1055

like my high score ? That seems unfair; i had a lot of time putzing with this debugging the code ;)

1029 when i just tried :)  It is supposed to save the score and it does on my machine when I run it locally. I guess on the web version it is not persistent among logins and players.

Great project!
Where's the "Legal Crime" Theme of the Jam?

(2 edits)

hmm... I guess, I should pay more attention to reading the instructions ;) I looked for the criteria and didn't see the theme there.... it's right at the top...

Oh that's ok mate, its actually pretty impressive how you submitted the project in the first day!

jam opened Thursday, no ? At least that's when I started working on this.  ... with the weekend coming to a close, i have no more time work on this anyways...